Monday 7 November 2011

Forex is the biggest and most liquid financial market with a daily volume of more than four trillion dollars (as of April 2010). It's a decentralized market, trading 24 hours a day in different corners of the globe. Forex is open to anyone in the world in any country. The initial startup costs for Forex trading are remarkably low: you will need a computer, some basic learning, a broker and an initial deposit of as little as $1. That's it. No other business of substance could be created with such efficiency or low barrier to entry. This is what makes Forex the world's biggest and most democratic traders' market. If you're thinking of trading in the Forex exchange, or you came here to learn more — you made a good decision. Forex trading is full of risk, but the payoffs can be huge! Success or failure as a Forex trader depends mostly on you. After set-up, and after you have found a reliable Forex broker , your main focus needs to be studying the market. The quantity of money you use to begin trading is not the most critical thing — it's your willingness to study the Forex exchange to learn its quirks and behaviors. This site has in-depth information about Forex, and offers the tools you need to become a Forex success. Check out the Forex blog for the latest news about Forex from an expert's point of view. A free exchange of information about Forex is at the friendly community forum for traders of all levels of experience. They rant and rave about Forex, and trade tips and stories. The secret to dominating Forex: It's not whom you know, it's what you know!

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